30 Years in the Making
Synergistic Research SR30 Speaker Cables utilize OFC copper selected for its musicality and resolution in equal measure. To lower your system’s noise floor, SR use the same UEF Matrix EM field control found in their flagship SRX cable loom for a pitch-black background and inner detail without fatigue. And for room-shaking, tightly controlled bass, they borrowed a geometry perfected over 30 years.
Lastly, Synergistic Research treat each speaker cable with over 1 million Volts of electricity in a new long-duration conditioning process over multiple frequencies first developed for their state-of-the-art SRX cable loom for breathtaking three-dimensional sound without grain or harshness despite industry-leading SR resolution.
Tune to perfection
Carbon Tuning Discs (€ 199 value) are included. You can custom voice your SR30 speaker cables to your speakers with included Carbon Tuning Discs for a sound that is warm and liquid with the Gold Discs or open and airy with the Purple Discs. Or go straight with no discs at all. The choice is yours!
Sold with a no-risk money-back guarantee through participating Synergistic Research dealers and distributors.
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