Why fuses are important… way beyond their primary function.
You may have heard about it before: fuses inside your equipment have a large impact on its overall qualities. Unfortunately, fuses are simply needed to ensure safe operation. But did you know you can easily upgrade your equipment a lot, with relatively small investments? Just replace fuse(s), to upgrade your equipment at least a full class. Stop buying new equipment time after time… start upgrading your existing equipment instead! You can expect all properties of your A/V equipment to improve. Amplifiers will have a more tight bass response together with a less “gritty” sound and an overall improvement of timbre, while your television will have a sharper image with more natural colors. These are just two examples, ANY piece of A/V equipment will benefit from an audio grade fuse.
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Incl. 21 % TAX € 1,439.00
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Incl. 21 % TAX € 719.00
Incl. 21 % TAX € 999.00
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Incl. 21 % TAX € 22.00
Incl. 21 % TAX € 25.00